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Master Healer

Kahu Fred Sterling

"Peace becomes the only path when love is at the core of evolution.  Love is only possible when healing is the focus of a society in search of balance."


Signature Cell Healing International

He is the pioneer of Signature Cell Healing, a gentle touch healing experience which focuses energy on the "signature cell," which lies within the pineal gland. The reawakening of this signature cell allows for a return to optimum health and balance in all four bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Kahu Fred Sterling

Kahu Fred Sterling is a master medium, a minister and a messenger—a shaman of Native American ancestry who walks between the third dimensional world of human and the boundless realms of spirit. For more than 30 years, he has been the medium for the loving light and wisdom of Kirael, a master spirit guide.

Honolulu Church of Light

He is also the founder and senior minister of the Honolulu Church of Light, a “church without walls,” serving the needs of tens of thousands of lightworkers worldwide through weekly internet healing service webcasts.


Pioneered by master healer, Kahu Fred Sterling, Signature Cell Healing encompasses a total approach to healing the four bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. With the new Signature Cell Healing International program of workshops, lightworkers around the world have access to a newly-evolved form of Signature Cell Healing. 

Based on ancient Lemurian philosophy and practices, this integrative method of healing is a gentle touch healing experience focusing energy on the "signature cell" which lies within the pineal gland. This all-important cell holds the memory of our cellular perfection and our original life blueprint. The reawakening of this signature cell allows for a return to optimum health and balance in all four bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

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