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An Experience of a Lifetime!

Dragonfly - Seeing Through the Illusions

As many of you know I have been teaching for many years. Recently, I made a very large mistake by not protecting myself enough.

I am writing this today for the simple reason we need to understand the impact from all the energy on the planet right now. Even though you trust a friend, family member, etc., always use your own discernment when it comes to your engagement with people and events. You may discover, like I did, that something of great value has been taken away from you without you even knowing it! YOU ask what is that? Your own personal power and/or personal abilities! I want you all to know this happened to me.

Here is how I had to fix this situation. I took a hot bath, called all my guides in and then did a soul retrieval and a power retrieval all at the same time. Many cords were cut, and I did what the Guidance Realm and other Beings of Light told me to do. This action affected all four parts of my body: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

It does not matter the who, what, where and when, but a great lesson was learned by me. Now it is an experience. I am thankful for this experience because every experience learned raises our spiritual vibration. Whether you live on the 5th dimension or if you are like me, and travel to higher dimensions all the time.

Dr. Brie Gibbs

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